
Our Policies and Procedures

Effective charitable organisations depend on their Members, Board of Directors, Management, Employees and Volunteers working within a strong governance structure to ensuring regulatory compliance and best practice in service delivery.  The Capuchin Day Centre has a robust governance structure in place that includes governance, financial and operational policies and procedures.

The Capuchin Day Centre is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee with a well-established, voluntary Board of Directors who bring skillsets in the financial, legal, pastoral and social fields and meet regularly throughout the year to ensure the strategic direction, financial oversight and operational delivery of the charity.

External auditors, Mazars, audit our annual accounts, and all filings are up to date with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) and the Charities Regulator Authority (CRA).

Financial Statements of the Capuchin Day Centre

Our Board Members

  • Br. Richard Hendrick OFM Cap
  • Ms. Aine Reidy
  • Fr. Kevin Kiernan OFM Cap
  • Br. Adrian Curran OFM Cap
  • Mr. Patrick McGonagle